Solution for "Can't connect to camera".
Problem description:
Sometimes camera do not work on THL W200 (Sometimes both cameras and flash). Rebooting device helps temporarily. Sometimes you can see vertical noise stripes on camera window. As somebody posted: sometimes removing and putting back cover - temporarily solves problems. If You have this problem here is permanent solution:
Be aware if You do this on Your own or by some technician not from THL You'll loose Your warranty. (There'is a warranty sticker on a one screw). And as always - I take no any responsibility. Do it if You want, don't do it if You're scared or haven't disassembled any small part electronic equipment.
First I used manual from "showtopic=477275&st=3420#entry25822546" from to disassemble phone's case "plate" on 12 screws I have noticed that soft small pieces of rubber which is attached to case plate on inner side is surely overheated and melted, so it doesn't press well on camera's flex cable socket (I have also noticed heat coming from this place on heavy phone load):
(Photo 1) - One melted small piece of rubber
So I decided to temporarily test this by placing some sticker cuts on them:
(Photo 2) - Place to put sticker (in red on photo) rectangular cuts.
(Photo 3) - I placed them in two layers because of them being very thin (both - 0,3mm) (And i know that I wasn't accurate to cut well
Problem disappeared completely. So real fix would be to replace those melted pieces of rubber with temperature resistant ones.
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